Most publications play handmaidens to the powerful.
We don’t. Instead, we challenge power.
We interrogate all claims to authority and actively pursue post-political solutions to human needs.
We question the usefulness of political elites in the twenty-first century and curate promising ways we might flourish and their empires might fall.
James C. Scott reminds us that,
Just as millions of anthozoan polyps create, willy-nilly, a coral reef, so do thousands upon thousands of individual acts of insubordination and evasion create a political or economic barrier reef of their own.
So what?
We’re not just another anti-authoritarian publication:
We showcase what subversive innovators are doing, not just policy, punditry, and talk-talk;
We crowdsource promising ideas and seek to implement them
(for example, this $20,000 Contest);We challenge ingrained perspectives and entrenched power structures to pave the way for a New Decentralist Order.
Civic education, spectacle, and partisan team sports create herds of obedient voters. Those who cry their teardrops in the ocean expecting to turn the tide will cry a very long time. If you think the way to transform society for the better lies with partisan politics, Underthrow might not be for you.
But those willing to overcome failures of imagination—through creativity, entrepreneurship, and innovation—will be rewarded with a thousand possibilities.
We’re dedicated to underthrow.
(ˌʌndərˈθroʊ; for n. ˈʌndərˌθroʊ)
VERB1. to subvert systems of unjust power and authority through peaceful, innovative means.
2. a publication dedicated to anti-authoritarian thought and action.
What Underthrow Offers for Free
Updates from the leading edge of subversive innovation and decentralization;
Content that inspires and showcases real subversive innovators.
Perspectives that reward your attention with insights that inform new forms of social organization.
What We Offer Sustaining Members
Full and more frequent content.
Video content and choice extras.
Community capabilities and comments.
Knowing you’re feeding the editor’s hungry children.
What do you need to do?
Nothing, for now. You’re already a community member. Just stick around and enjoy the content, as well as updates and reminders about the $20,000 contest launch.
If you’re not interested in getting our content, feel free to opt out at any time. But we hope you’ll stay and be part of the journey.
Thank you,
Max Borders