Imagine you are presented with the opportunity to enter a bliss machine.
In this machine, you feel perfectly happy for as long as you can be kept alive. No pain. No suffering. Nothing bad.
Just a life and narrative of bliss.
But, to have this bliss, you must abandon everything about this reality. Back in this world, you would be a warm corpse hooked up to a machine.
Would you enter, or would you stay?
Feel free to offer your thoughts and justification in the comments.
Heck no. No way. I would rather be here and suffer this world so that I can protect and teach and help. I would rather find bliss through hard work and self realization. That's an easy one. I didn't even think about it for 2 seconds :)
Constant bliss means zero growth. I think growth is more important.
Constant bliss means nothing bad to which to compare the bliss. So is it really even bliss? I mean, I suppose in the scenario, it is—the machine makes it so. But going in, before getting hooked up, I know that it isn't real. Not really real.
This life is a blend of pain, bliss, and routine. That seems to be the way it is supposed to be, and that is good enough for me.