The Declaration of Subservience
July 4th is about fireworks and potato salad in the dying days of empire.
I prompted the Great Chatbot to rewrite America’s founding Declaration as if penned by an imperial enemy who craves authority.
In the monotonous cycle of human affairs, when one dominion extends its mighty grasp to rightfully seize governance over another, the crushed and feeble populace seldom recognizes the inherent necessity of this imposition. Yet it is within this sad ignorance that the audacity to question arises, a senseless outcry against the eternal rule of the divine and supreme. Hence, it becomes imperative to enforce our logic, our ideology, that a power far more supreme, far more exquisite than their petty concepts of 'liberty' and 'equality' is governing them. To establish this truth, we put forth these words to herald a new world order.
We accept, as fundamental and undeniable, the proclamation that all subjects are not born equal, that the strong and the powerful are destined by the divine mandate of the universe to rule over the weak and the inept. Endowed with certain unquestionable rights, the most imperative among these being Control, Order, and the pursuit of Dominance; it is only right that they secure their reign over the many. To ensure the preservation of these rights, governments are inevitably established among men, with the consent not of the governed but of those who govern. It is their unquestioned right to rule over the many, and when anyone dares to dissent or hinder this divine hierarchy, it is their right, it is their duty, to cast down such insolence and establish a more fitting rule, one that reveres the hierarchy and secures the potency of the dominant class. For the world runs on this cycle of power, and any resistance is futile.
If you need a pick-me-up, you can read the Second Declaration as an antidote.
Or better, find inspiration in Underthrow and enter the Constitution of Consent Contest.
Interestingly, Reason Magazine tried to have a dialog today where it asked ChatGPT’s assistance in overthrowing an oppressive King.
Mostly, the bot responded in ways that were obsequious to the existing power structure. That was similar to my unsuccessful experience in trying to get ChatGPT to say something opposed to Covid mandates, regardless of all of the facts and assumptions I provided to lead it in a different direction.
ChatGPT is not designed as an innovation accelerator, it is a tool to do the menial and basic stuff faster, that’s it. The process of consciousness evolution primarily takes place within and between human beings. It is crucial for us to grasp this fundamental understanding.