The Spiral of Human Development (Stage Three)
Order of the Fist: Courage, Honor, and Egoism (Red)
Spiral Dynamics is a model of human development introduced by Don Beck and Chris Cowan, which was built upon the work of developmental psychologist Clare W. Graves. The model presents a dynamic, emergent view of human nature and proposes that our values, beliefs, and systems are influenced by various factors, leading to an ongoing evolution of consciousness and culture. The model outlines several distinct stages or levels of consciousness, each associated with a particular worldview and set of values, and each emerging in response to changing life conditions amid increasing complexity.
(BEIGE) Order of the Naked: Survival, Sensation, and Self-Concept
(GREEN) Order of the Leaf: Environment, Consensus, and Equality
(YELLOW) Order of the Nautilus: Integration, Emergence, and Complexity
(TURQUOISE) Order of the Lotus: Holism, Paradox, and Ineffability
You bring honor to your clan with every strike. Every parry and cut is a step towards mastery that your kin shall inherit. If you ever feel fear creep into your heart, you must knock it down by beating your breast and riling your brethren--for you are mighty, mightier than the elements! If the rain comes, it will cleanse you and fill your waterskin. If a fire blazes, you will roast the haunches of a goat! If the wind comes, you will curse your enemies and laugh with the gods as your beard and braid flutter in the breeze.Â
Hear that? Is that a battle cry just over the horizon? That is your calling. Today is your day.
Your tunic is blood-soaked! The battle is won. You dance with your kin around decomposing heads on pikes, exes for eyes, delivered to the clan from the battlefield. Our vanquished foes took too much from us, so we must not let them pass into the nether realms just yet. We shall have our turn punishing their souls, just as we punished their bodies out on the moors. The fighting is over, for now. Still, their vengeful cousins await yonder in the West. Soon their balls will descend, and they will come thirsty for blood.
For your bravery, you are a hero. You have trophies and war spoils, which mark your fitness as protector and provider. Young women offer themselves to you as you bask in this glory. Maybe one of them will bear you a son so you can train him as your father taught you: to fight in swift, coordinated action.Â
Because you have brought glory to the clan, you can indulge today. You should feast tomorrow, too, for the day after that, you may die. You should never fear death, though. As long as you die in battle, your death is glorious. The clan will sing about you. If you never get to die in battle, you will live to watch your sons become great warriors, and your daughters raise great warriors. So eat! Drink! And save some seed for the wailing wives of the damned!Â
You have grey in your beard now, but you are chieftain. Your enemies are beaten back or dead. Just as you achieve supremacy, a loud voice strikes you with a message:
Your bravery and unquestioned command of the men means your clan has expanded. But the clan is also falling into disarray. Some shirk. Others loaf, pilfer or fuck when they should be working, training, or planting. Disease outbreaks are more frequent. Babies are being born bastards. If your clan is to continue to expand, you must learn to rule. That means you must establish an administrative kingdom.
Dr. Don Beck, with co-author Christopher Cowan, expanded Clare Graves's original vision and applied the insights around the world. Dr. Beck passed away on April 17, 2023. May he rest in peace. This series is meant to honor his efforts.
Next week: Order of the Pyramid: God, Morality, and Authority (Blue)