For over 10 million years, man lived without governments, tyranny, or 'laws' other than the universal natural law that is applicable to all humans but only abided by by the innocent, never by criminals. That would include classical liberals like you and me. The first humans were mutant offspring of chimpanzees parents, naked, unafraid, more competent than their chimp parents with whom they shared about 98% of DNA, and probably regarded by their chimp parents like the parents of Elon regarded him as special beings, Anyway, these first humans figured out and obeyed the universal natural law governing them before they invented language to express it. It was just intuitive, a combination of common sense and the Golden Rule.

It is the law all innocent humans have always lived by as well as they could and understood . Here is how I articulated it: "One's life is one's responsibility in its entirety. Any innocent act one can take in the pursuit of one's happiness is one's absolute inalienable natural human right. These include the 5 rights of property of INNOCENTLY acquiring, possessing, using, defending and disposing of any conceivable item of property except another human being. 'Innocent' means not harmful to others except in defense. A crime is any intentional or negligent act of harm by force or fraud by anyone against the innocent or their property. It is the responsibility of the criminal to make his or her victim(s) whole again, to the extent possible, by a process of restitution."

That lists all possible human rights, all possible human crimes, the responsibilities of every human and takes away the incentive to commit crimes and allows for anyone to take out liability insurance coverage on one's actions to provide for any inadvertantly harm one might do to others.

It is the law I wrote for myself, the only law I recognize and the law I recommend that everyone else on earth adopt as the law governing their own lives, including the various tyrants and their victims. Just that worldwide individual adoption would render all governments unnecessary and obsolete as tat universal law could and would be enforced not by involuntary governments but by including it in our contracts with insurance companies by contract. That way, everyone would know those law. What more law does anyone have to know to live with others in peace,harmony and prosperity?

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Ergo, Max, what is/are your Exit work? What and where are your physical actions (not including writing) that physically manifests underthrow?

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Why do you ask? And why would anyone's "exit work" necessarily have to be physical?

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Sounds more like what is needed is a new religion. ;)

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