Why cheap proxy wars and endless interventionism still cost too much. Here we consider a more holistic case for limiting American military adventures and proxy wars abroad.
Great piece, Max! I'm always against the narrowing of the sphere of the ethical to arithmetic: it always ends in atrocity. As I like to say: there is no way of calculating the good. I'll try to get this one into the March Bazaar at Stranger Worlds.
Illich is essential reading for contemporary radicals who have escaped the imperial discourse and are attempting to weave together new options. Tools for Conviviality is a great starting point if you want to get your feet wet.
Some things Clancy misses that are in his expertise domain but invalidate his lesser arguments:
NATO and the US has been degraded in equipment terms far more than Russia. That gap is now more adverse than it has ever been.
Russia has acquired war fighting skills and tech that we cannot match (much like the US was fifty years ahead of Europe after the civil war presaged the methods of the First World War).
NATO’s conventional deterrent capability is proven to be worthless and that of the US only hangs on by a tenuous shadow of a doubt (USAF not having been directly involved)
Great piece, Max! I'm always against the narrowing of the sphere of the ethical to arithmetic: it always ends in atrocity. As I like to say: there is no way of calculating the good. I'll try to get this one into the March Bazaar at Stranger Worlds.
Stay wonderful!
I sense the influence of Illich here. You have inspired me to read more of him.
Illich is essential reading for contemporary radicals who have escaped the imperial discourse and are attempting to weave together new options. Tools for Conviviality is a great starting point if you want to get your feet wet.
Some things Clancy misses that are in his expertise domain but invalidate his lesser arguments:
NATO and the US has been degraded in equipment terms far more than Russia. That gap is now more adverse than it has ever been.
Russia has acquired war fighting skills and tech that we cannot match (much like the US was fifty years ahead of Europe after the civil war presaged the methods of the First World War).
NATO’s conventional deterrent capability is proven to be worthless and that of the US only hangs on by a tenuous shadow of a doubt (USAF not having been directly involved)
If true, these are all good points. We have in essence degraded ourselves while degrading Russia -- as have other NATO members.