This does a great job showing how the people hurt by bureaucracy include those enacting it. Taking away their agency is not just a crime to the people who need their services, but to their own humanity that wants to care for others.

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Max, this is a wonderful piece! Excellent lessons, about bureaucracy and about how to deal with it, with graciousness and maturity. Kudos! And thanks for providing and BEING the useful example.

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NC will come back stronger from the storm!

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Strange timing on this and the Mutual Aid article. I don't have ESP or anything, just dumb luck.

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I was actually JUST commenting to someone on social media that I had never been to Chimney Rock but was heartbroken to see the before and after pictures. I agree with you!

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Good piece. Good candy.

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Surely even the most ardent environmentalist should be able to get behind a campaign to make the fire ant extinct.

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