Interesting figurative explanations. I wonder if people are tripped up by the categorizing of motivations/drives as "masculine" and "feminine."

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Everyone has traits--and hormones--that have been thought of as binary masculine or feminine. They are not binary, but can become so. If a man considers them antagonistic, he can suppress but not eliminate estrogen or the traits it introduces. The same goes for a woman in the divergent. The truth is that both testosterone and estrogen are necessary in a healthy and sane man and woman.

Nowadays when "scientists" experiment on humanity--without knowledge--by massively changing the natural composition of our bodies by injecting hormones to evolve us in ways they don't understand and can't foresee, we see some changes that might be good or bad for us, categories some of them do not believe exist. But most of us know that good and evil exist. Men becoming women or women becoming men can't happen. The grotesqueries they become in the process, neither men nor women, are monstrous.

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Experiments on humans can easily become grotesque, and all in the name of eliminating things that need not be eliminated. There is far more variation for each of the Big Five personality traits among men and among women than between the average man and average woman. Personality traits don't define you as a man or woman, and pretending they do could motivate some poor, misguided souls toward the aforementioned grotesque experiments.

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Masculine and feminine are complementary physical forms, not to be confused with psyches. Much of the disorientation in culture stems from misrepresentation and misunderstanding what each means. Male bodies are designed to inject semen into women to fertilize her eggs for the purpose of reproducing themselves. Female bodies were designed to produce eggs, get them fertilized, incubate them until they're ready to live on their own. It takes both of them to produce and then to raise them into independent human beings.

Besides providing the raw materials necessary for reproduction and sustaining their offspring to independence, their bodily differences only serve to attract them to each other to start and maintain the process, protect, and serve each other. Any psychological and cultural differences between them arise from negotiated divisions of labor. Making a living while having and raising offspring naturally falls on the man at times and otherwise is negotiated. The psyches of both are such that what one does by necessity tends to be repeated, even after the necessity changes. Thus, often things that take place within the residence flow toward the woman and those outside flow toward the man. With repetition comes efficiency and accomplishment.

Many difference between male and female are nothing more than habit. And nothing is more abhorrent to mankind than change.

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