Small world! Brian Robertson was a client of mine while he was originally working on the holocracy concept. I think I still have some of the original white papers lying around in my archive. I've been impressed at the success this has had, but of course, there are strong institutional forces resisting this and anything like it...

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Clarification: he was a client for a videogame project his company was pursuing, I wasn't hired to work on holocracy! 😁

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Based on Holacracy, I wrote a blog post about a potential application of its governance mechanisms in political contexts. "Values Integration via the Integrative Decision-Making" Process https://medium.com/about-holacracy/values-integration-via-the-integrative-decision-making-process-5b2e2a754149

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I don't know if it's kosher, Dennis, but I would republish this piece or other Wittrock pieces here.

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