The Westphalian construct was a predictable waypoint along a long timeline of events. It's collapse is/was as well.

The entire framework was humanist and anti-human at the same time. And, therefore, doomed to devolve and fail in spectacular entropy. Creating a void that nature will inevitably fill again with something else.

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Max, Great statement of Putin's position. No need to spoil it at the end by calling him a "sociopath." Who has scholarly knowledge of his country's virtues? Who has acted with restraint before Western provocations? Who is the true supporter of democracy by honoring the TWO PLEBISCITES in the Donbas and Crimea, where OVER 95% OF CITIZENS voted to be associated with Russia?

Nevertheless, these are gems: "an actual tribute from humanity" and "rent paid to the hegemon".

I don't know the reference for "they target our philosophers for assassination". Who were these assassinated philosophers?

Minor corrections:

"the Clinton-Steel accusation" should be "the Clinton-Steele accusation"

"They’re still burning gas to rescue glass." should be (?) "They’re still burning gas to rescue grass."

Yes, "the Westphalian nation-state [is the problem]". And here is the solution: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1947660853

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Thank you!

> Ahh, I knew Steele was with an e -- was in a hurr-e.

> Burning gas to save glass is recycling.

> Pretty sure they targeted Dugin, but I know someone killed his daughter in a bombing.

> I agree that if we're measuring degrees of offense, Putin is far less offensive. I still think they're all sociopaths, but I probably could have pulled that punch.

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The USA has been infiltrated by powers that are foreign and malicious - Zionists, Rothschild Banking Mafia, Rockefeller slavemasters,…

I reckon that BRICS and Orthodox Russia is an authentic movement to destroy Zionists, Jewish Banking Mafia,…

But will they have a cultural immune system that is mafia-proof. Jews will compromise your leaders and control them by Epstein Eastern Edition unless major changes are made to make politicians compromat-proof. Sexual blackmail needs to be disarmed.

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