What if "Palestine" were "reconquered" by Hamas/Hezbollah/Palestinian Authority "from the river [Jordan] to the sea," as one of their chants has it? Their trial of governance has been less than inspiring. Since 2005, the Gaza Strip has been self-governed; in less than two years its citizens put Hamas in charge. And what did Hamas do with the billions of dollars given to them from abroad? All of it was spent for rockets, mortars, tunneling, the arming of terrorists, and the indoctrination of children – with nothing invested in infrastructure, social services, or the institutions of peace.

According to their own rhetoric, these Muslims, if victorious, would push the Jews into the sea, to create a "caliphate" dedicated to a worldwide theocratic state – all the while leaving their own people in Stone Age subsistence.

I have no particular allegiance to the Jewish state, any more than to any other state, but I am absolutely opposed to barbarism and terror.

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Max, your erasure of Israel's crimes is dishonest, and cowardly. May you come to be ashamed of what you've done. https://georgeoughttohelp.com/max-borders-erasure-of-israels-crimes/

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If I do come to be ashamed, you'll be the first to know.

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