Funny coincidence this topic has for me. I was just in Salt Lake City on a ski trip. On the way into the mountains I noticed one of those equal signs bumper stickers and thought how unnatural, and of course thought of trees in the forest. You make a great example of this here. Also, the LDS church does a pretty good job at distributing the wealth among its hive but it is far from equal. Important thing is what overall benefit to the Big Trees bring to the ecosystem?

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From the perspective of humans, one might say "stewardship of resources." From another perspective, like that of nature, one might say the "Law of Flow." // I'm curious, are you LDS, or do you come from an LDS background? I've long admired the LDS commitment to local community, mutual aid, and cultivating resilience. But I have always been looking from afar. In any case, it appears there are things that the Mormons do from which the rest of the world could learn.

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I'm not from an LDS background but I like to go to the mountains and canyons of their lands so I'm familiar with their culture. I also agree there are things which the rest of us could learn from indeed, and some things which are very creepy.

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