Secession Studios. I wonder what they're all about…

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Thank you. Did you watch the whole thing? Does he actually advocate for secession and decentralization?

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"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty, I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up. loved it." - C. S. LEWIS

That's why we need MORE myths! More stories, more narratives!

I would strongly suggest you Max that your children watch Avatar the legend of Aang. A fascinating story, well written characters and one mission. The free the world from a tyrants. They feature a Saoshyant and a secret society called the white lotus (Grey Robes vibes). Even you might enjoy watching it!

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Fritz, both my boys love it! They talk to me about it all the time, though the original, not the live action version.

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Yes. The original is a masterpiece. They even have a musical tour around the world on these days. Looks like a religious experience. With stories like this being a shared cultural point, those 20 years become 5. It's happening Max, we are all becoming more and more cosmopolitans

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I want to see you rewrite the legend of Pachacútec and have it be made into a series!

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Working on it ⚒️💪 but before I forget it. I would love to suggest that you watch with your kids the anime The Vinland Saga. It's a tale of vikings that realize the importance of Exit (Hirschman) as a way to scape their violent never ending war. It's a masterpiece in the principle of non-violence. Even though there is a lot of it at the beginning of the series

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Well, I'm glad it's a non-Calvinist redemption. All can be saved (at least in this telling).

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I balk slightly at even this positive use of the term 'propaganda'... Of course, it is still better than the improperganda we have to endure elsewhere! 😁

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