Also, living by a code is key. As Balaji points out, culture change usually precedes technology. For example the Wild West ended when the culture changed to "cleanliness is next to Godliness." From that culture change some of the best innovations of all time came: running water, sewers, and garbage disposal.
We need a new one for ending corruption in government, which is society's current biggest problem. We need a decentralized, unified, culture change that sets aside all of our other hot button issues and focuses on the one the people doing the corruption don't want us to focus on most. Them.
Another well thought out and interesting article Max (Niklas and Jean). Focusing on the systems is the key to fixing this mess
We could as people create a decentralized 4th branch of governance that is 100% built by us, and really isn't part of government at all. A Network state.
Then use it to hold the other branches of government accountable.
Also are you familiar with SWARM INTELLIGENCE AI? We need a way for large groups of people to come to consensus for DAOs and more. But be able to put input into the system with imagination as individuals. We are working on this Swarm AI. We should talk.
Also, living by a code is key. As Balaji points out, culture change usually precedes technology. For example the Wild West ended when the culture changed to "cleanliness is next to Godliness." From that culture change some of the best innovations of all time came: running water, sewers, and garbage disposal.
We need a new one for ending corruption in government, which is society's current biggest problem. We need a decentralized, unified, culture change that sets aside all of our other hot button issues and focuses on the one the people doing the corruption don't want us to focus on most. Them.
Another well thought out and interesting article Max (Niklas and Jean). Focusing on the systems is the key to fixing this mess
We could as people create a decentralized 4th branch of governance that is 100% built by us, and really isn't part of government at all. A Network state.
Then use it to hold the other branches of government accountable.
Like so:
Also are you familiar with SWARM INTELLIGENCE AI? We need a way for large groups of people to come to consensus for DAOs and more. But be able to put input into the system with imagination as individuals. We are working on this Swarm AI. We should talk.