Looks like the way forward is under . . . underthrow.

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As Nietzsche once said, "A Man with a Why Can Endure Any How."

This is a good overview, Max, and very timely, no doubt. And also, the main question for the next administration will be the HOW, and to do so very quickly in the face of massive opposition, and the strong likelihood of mass demonstrations, and more lawsuits, by the political class to try and prevent any substantive reforms from taking place. If you want a big dose of awful, just wait, because that is what they are planning. And oh, what's this--the current administration is purportedly busy in Geneva auctioning off U.S. assets?? What's that all about? You guessed it, they're trying to bring an end to the U.S in any way they can. No more borders, no more assets, no more country. "Blah, there--it's over."

Another favorite quote by someone with credible thought leadership that should be embedded into all of this, by Charlie Munger, "Remove stupidity before trying to be brilliant." In other words, if you don't deal with fixing the underlying problem, we're bound to get more of the same. We're now seeing this with the rise of CBDCs in lieu of Bitcoin, which will eventually be banned if Central Banks have their way, making where you live potentially irrelevant. Something to think about.

By my read, there are some very rudimentary but important housekeeping issues that need to be dealt with, assuming there will be some sense of normalcy after the next administration takes over, alongside everything else, to properly inform voters about who it is that is representing them, since conservative media outlets never really do this, with the gaggle of republicans who are working within the confines of the Uni-Party.

Since the LP has no dog in the hunt, and probably never will, there needs to be a multi-pronged approach of decentralizing or shuttering certain federal agencies that can be managed at the state level, along with a concerted effort to identifying the RINOs in Congress, followed by a big fundraising effort to Primary them ASAP in order to remove them. I know it doesn't sound as sexy as moving away. But it doesn't require cooperation from the RNC to do it. It only requires people who want to be more than just Freedom Lovers, into becoming "Freedom Advocates." Libertarians won't do this since it doesn't involve doing nothing or smoking a joint and making fun of the entire thing. It will require a huge network of doers rather than thinkers. Or you can run off to wherever you want, that's fine, too. But the tradeoffs for Americans to do that are quite sizeable, and often painful, notwithstanding a general requirement to renounce your citizenship, which almost no one will do unless you have a sizable net worth beyond $1m and prior experience living elsewhere. Interested in your thoughts, as always. Ps: Go see Andorra the next time you're over that way to compare and contrast with other areas.

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Writing, rather ironically, from SC: I want to Make Secession Great Again.

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And also, should it be a crime for politicians to lie? Vote for things that they never read?

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Good job Max. Could quibble a bit here or there, but good stuff for the most part.

Note One: Most interesting that Liechtenstein is a Monarchy...leading the way in Increased decentralization -- the OPPOSITE of what revolutionary Jacobins, Bolsheviks and Jeffersonians yet in Love with a Broadening "we the people" democracy would predict.

Note Two: As Jay, Madison, Hamilton argued in the Federalist Papers...men are not angels, thus checks and balances...BUT esp. calling for a "Blended-Govt" of Republicanism/Democratic Voting/Monarch (Executive). As Burke did argue and lately Has Hoppe more recently -- the cultural/social "Distribution of Wise-Virtue"...is demanded Most in "we-the-people" Broad-Democracy...but less so in a Constitutional Republic, and Least of all in a Monarchy...resting on the Wise-Virtue of a meritorious Nobility.

SO...Let's hear it for Small, Decentralized Monarchies!!!


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My pragmatism agrees. If we have local monarchs, CEOs, or whatever, that's fine -- we just need more options within more membranes. The only thing I would challenge is a) lumping in Jefferson with the Jacobins, and b) the idea that we never need revolution because orthodox conservatism. If the progressive technocrats and purveyors of the managerial state continue at the current pace, reasoned reforms will not be an option. (Note, I continue to despise democracy as an end in itself and have little use for it even as a pragmatic means.) Anyway, when they start trying to round up all the firearms, you might see the wisdom of revolution.

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Think we agree mostly Max. But Jefferson lumped himself with the Jacobins for yrs...even for months after the Jacobin Ambassador to US 'Citizen Genet' hinted Washington might need to be hanged -- all seemingly with Jefferson's support! [Genet', of course changed his mind and stayed taking refuge in USA...after his revolutionary buddies turned on him and started beheading his buddies. Some modern US Leftists might live to see similar head roll amongst themselves!

Of course, both Jefferson/Madison changed considerable per political policy & governance... after being elected & serving as President...which is common for revolutionaries.

Also with Burke, I too support the armed Colonial Secession of 1776ff! -- NOT to overthrow or takeover the British Crown or Govt (King or Czar) -- but to secure Colonial Rights as Englishmen. This goes also for the former Soviet State Secession, Tiawan, & Spain, Oregon, Maine, Nth-California...ect. God speed my friend.

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I'm not getting any of the results you are. What are your sources for this? All I see is that, early on, Jefferson imagined the French struggle as analogous to that of the Americans, but soon became disillusioned. My analysis is with three different LLMs is that your Jefferson claims here are inaccurate. But that's all I have time for.

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See renowned history Prof Forrest McDonald's excellent biography of Alexander Hamilton (with many other Colonial Constitutional historic works) and Prof. Michael P. Federici's The Political Philosophy of Alexander Hamilton. We often get a Very different take on a man...if we are willing to read his critics and opponents...rather than gushing biographers intent to slobber all over the man, while ignoring his flaws. Despite is many natural gifts...Jefferson was wrong on many things...besides being a spoiled and privileged modern politician



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LOL!!! Of course my comments & references above have ZERO/NOTHING whatsoever to do with that recent Book/Movie...Neither of which deal at all with Jefferson & Tom Paine's Jacobin Revolutionary Support & Theory -- or the Burke, Washington, Hamilton, Jay Federalist Reply to it. ;-)

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