Gad Saad posted this last Saturday, and it was corroborated by Bret Weinstein in a reply...


Gad Saad


You are not going to like this tweet so turn away if you are likely to be triggered:

I am a very optimistic person; I am a fighter for Western values and liberties; I am a dogged defender of science, reason, and common sense. I must say though that I am unsure that the West can recover from its multifront civilizational suicide. Yes, I've talked about these issues for decades and wrote a book about it but the past few weeks have crystallized the extent to which the problem has become intractable. It will be a long and ultimately bloody demise and the West will be the first society in recorded history to fully self-implode due to its parasitic ideological rapture. It is a gargantuan Greek tragedy that will shape the future of humanity. This is not hyperbole. Your grandchildren will pay a very high price for your "progressive" arrogance rooted in the pursuit of Unicornia that only exists in the recesses of deeply flawed parasitized minds.

1:34 PM · Oct 21, 2023

Bret Weinstein


The West is self-destructing and the implications are even worse than they initially sound. The world before the West evolved was barbaric—lineages constantly, violently displacing each other. But bloody as that mode was, humanity could plod along like that indefinitely. That is no longer the case.

Suicide of the West will not just return humanity to full time, all consuming barbarism, it will almost certainly end our species in short order. The technology at our disposal is simply too powerful for a world without a basic agreement to prefer peaceful competition over endless war and genocide.

Recognition of this stark but obvious fact, coupled with the dawning recognition that the West is too far gone to save, should radically narrow our focus. Everything depends on our reviving, recreating, resurrecting, rediscovering or reinventing the West—before we forget what it was.

Anything that doesn’t stave off disaster in the present, or contribute to that admittedly daunting objective, is a waste of effort for the foreseeable future.

2:12 AM · Oct 22, 2023

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Where do you think the system will "give"? – As give way to conflagration it most surely will. Most reply that the incendiary event will be a "Black Swan," which by definition is unforeseeable.

I rather suspect that it will be an accumulation of "known knowns." Some violence spiraling out of the Middle East is not a "Black Swan": That will surely happen. Also, the offing of Biden will surely happen: Biden’s sole utility as the moderate Trojan Horse for a pack of nihilists has long been spent. Those playing along, viewing _Weekend at Bernie’s_ on endless loop will finally smell him out, maybe like Hamlet "behind the arras."

Unknown is how he will be offed.

Here is how that event should cleverly take place. Capping Biden directly would be too obvious, and furthermore, it would leave the Machiavellians with K. Harris, whose stupidity has hopelessly tangled her puppet strings.

No, the clever way is to remove K. Harris first. Thus she will be sent to Ukraine (far from the too evidence-rich USA) to spout some adenoidal gibberish about "our partner in democracy." Whereupon, one of the CIA snipers who inaugurated the Maidan Revolution in 2014 will, from a quarter mile away, remove the reasoning portion of her skull – one hell of a shot if there ever was one.

At this juncture – after the obligatory stentorian guff about her race and patriotism before she is planted – Biden will announce a replacement possessed of K.H.’s two dazzling qualifications: A deep tan and a twat. That replacement will be Michelle Obama – another fount of nonsense but couched in more circumspect rhetoric.

With that, the removal of the now-useless Biden can proceed apace. While still marginally coherent, in private he gives a green-screened speech about the "threat to democracy" (his present company excepted, of course), a threat to be successfully navigated only by M. Obama. He is gradually weaned off his cocktail of spine-stiffening drugs. Frequent media clips at his Walter Reed hospital bedside give way to lugubrious encomiums to "Scranton’s scrappy fighter for democracy," broadcast 24/7. At last, a month before the 2024 election, his green-screened speech is hauled out and fitted with the hospital backdrop. The IV is pinched, and the great fraud expires.

Jacobins and RINOs march arm-in-arm behind his caisson to Arlington Cemetery, wailing “We Shall Overcome.” This event saturates the media until, yes, Michelle Obama ascends in the list of America’s barracks (pun intended) emperors.

Will the chutes, pinballs, buckets, and strings of this Rube Goldberg device hold sequence? We shall see.

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