Indeed. Romanians understand the hunger for freedom — Bejan included. In my last correspondence, he referred to time, beauty, and freedom as the “intangibles” that connect with physics.

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Max, Excellent piece on one of the great discoveries of our lifetimes. The CL reveals - because scientific laws are summaries of observations - that the universe does not play dice; it is not random; predictable patter (design) is everywhere. One you learn the law, you see it everywhere (because it's the law!); or, you finally have the scientific language to describe what you have long observed.

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Made my day seeing this comment! I hope you're thriving and still stringing sentences together.

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Perfect. I have understood your essay and have observed most of its points for a few years now. This is important work you are doing and may lead to development of mind and mankind over time. We are in a time when it is needed. I hope you write a book about it.

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Thank you so much. This is why we write, Oma.

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I hadn't heard the chicken-embryo part of the origin story. I heard (narrated by Morgan Freeman's euphonious voice) the story about how he saw Constructal patterns while watching the flow of basketball games.

Chickens or hoops…learning of Constructal Law changed me in important ways!

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Wow, awesome. Yes, he is such a basketball fan, especially being from Romania. A shame he's a Dukie (Go Tar Heels!). He has been a friend for a while and I've never given him shit about Duke.

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A guy name Mike Takac introduced me to the Constructal principle. Takac wrote a book in which he argues, in part, that Constructal Law provides a physical justification for the natural and moral necessity of classical-liberal principles. That in order for a flow system (LIFE) to persist in time, it must be free (LIBERTY) to access what it needs (PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS). Takac's formulation used an earlier version of Bejan's wording, but the linkage hit me like a lightning bolt and sent me off in a new direction. I have never looked back.

From what I have gleaned form Takac, Bejan knows him and approves of his adaptation of the Constructal principle. I would suspect, then, that he would approve of mine as well, since I just pick up the same ball and run with it.

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Awesome. I want to see Takac's stuff. Bejan makes freedom explicit as a condition of good morphology. In my last correspondence with him, he wrote: "you will see that next to the 'intangible' that brought us together the first time (freedom), in this book I usher into physics two more intangibles, the perceptions of time and beauty" (the latter two being the title of his latest book).

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I need to read this! Thank you.

I read one chapter of Takac's book. He told me at the time—"This is all you need to read; the rest is very complicated." I am not sure what that meant, but that chapter was enough to get me to see the connection between Constructal Law and the principles I hold most dear.

It was Constructal Law that led me to say, "The universe is woven together with freedom magic."

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I haven't read it and Bejan can include a lot of equations. Be warned! I can't math, so I just skip those bits.

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Oh goodness‚ I cannot math either!

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