Good luck getting this ship to sail. The only things humans "deserve" is punishment as we are truly horrible creatures. Just read history and then look around. "Monkey see, monkey do."

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The movie Zoolander covered this subject in a comprehensive fashion.

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This is a much more comprehensive analysis than I was moved to undertake (I did not go past the abstract). But in case it is of any interest, here is my two penn'orth: https://jclester.substack.com/p/the-ugly-face-of-egalitarian-philosophy

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Cool! Thank you for sharing this.

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Diamond extraction: “The natural lottery doles out assets. It doesn’t make moral demands of us. [...W]e should question any egalitarian reasoning that seeks to derive a moral Ought from the Is of the natural lottery.” Just so.

I'm convinced that the whole notion of “fairness” is jabberwocky.

It's easily demonstrated that "unfair" individual gifts can produce benefits for the society as a whole. Pejorative example: an attractive, white, Jewish, high-IQ female doctor can cure a black, drug-ridden ghetto of gonorrhea.

But worse yet is the attempt to "fix" the non-problem. Pejorative example: John Rawls. Further, any "fix" would demand the eugenics that, in other contexts, is shrilly condemned. Rich, privileged youth mingle at Harvard and Gstaad, then intermarry. Should this deeply unfair "casual eugenics" or "elective eugenics" be addressed with a totalitarian version that "fixes" the "problem"?

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It's a Bizarro world we live in these days.

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