Design doesn't always need a designer" is a very good formulation. I may have to borrow that and cite you.

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I really like the direction of this thinking, it reminds me of the Taoist tenant "Do nothing and leave nothing undone." which is the core of the Tao of governing. Of course it also implies a paradox, if there is an element in a system which dominates most resources to itself and does not benefit the whole then what part of the system will regulate it and bring it back into balance?

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Apparently in the idealized future, we'll get our exercise by crossing pedestrian bridges which force us to dip way down in the middle, then climb up the other side. And skyscrapers will be covered by giant versions of "Little Shop of Horrors" vegetation, blocking the view wherever they invade. But not to worry: we'll have a tree which bears thirty foot diameter fruit, perhaps made of solid gold. Just try not to be underneath when the fruit falls from the tree. Also the sun will magically cast shadows in a direction not correlated with its location in the sky. Can't wait!

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Ha! This had me cracking up. It's true. This picture sucks.

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"it's not meant to be taken literally." besides it's probably AI and so artificial at it's root.

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I love the closing paragraph and the question it offers.

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