Thanks Max for this piece! This is Afrikanus Kofi Akosah. I just retweeted it. I salute!

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So good to see you here!

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Aye... as a rhetorical flourish anyway. That may be your purpose here. But I must say what I always say to manifestos, declarations, and the like: writing these solo is not enough. What made the Declaration of Independence and the constitution so powerful was the confluence of folks collaborating on putting them together. If you want to do this properly (and there's no reason to assume you do), it ought to come from that same kind of meeting of minds.

Ah - but there's the rub, isn't it! It's precisely the meeting of minds that is thwarted in the current political and media conditions. And actually, that which you seek to 'underthrow' works surprisingly hard to maintain that state of affairs. Maybe, then, there are few steps to go before a second declaration makes sense. In the meantime, I wish you - and everyone else trying to reassemble collectives - the best of luck with the paths you take together.

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