It predicates on solving trust in the systems first.

The only real solution is new systems, not new colored shirts within the corrupted system. Unless the new colored shirts objectives are to change the actual system.

We must restore trust in all of the corrupted systems: systems of government, regulation, medicine, food, science, academia, and more have all been corrupted and no one trusts them anymore.

We need high-trust systems like network states or digital swarms, and there are many ways we can build these high trust digital groups. Would you want to live in a high trust society like this? For example:


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"The only real solution is new systems, not new colored shirts within the corrupted system. Unless the new colored shirts objectives are to change the actual system."

Are you serious? Come on, Ketry!

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Careful! Not all up wing is good and not all down wing is bad. In some areas we should indeed move forward. But in some areas our forward motion was a dangerous mistake.

For example, *something* is poisoning the children. Whether it is plasticizers, birth control pill residues, excessive vaccination, mass produced infant care or microwaved dinners is unknown to me. But something needs to be rolled back even if the rollback is expensive.

Self driving cars allow the aged more mobility. But they also have all sorts of dystopian possibilities. Give me old fashioned hydraulic power steering and a manual transmission.

As for electric cars: yes the move the air pollution out of the cities. But they also increase dependence on the Grid enormously. Dystopian possibilities galore. Liquid fuels = Slack.

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Great points, Carl. I can't assume that any given reader would have read the other articles in this publication to know that the message isn't just "technology + dynamism = good." All of this must exist within a framework in which perverse effects are better understood, externalities are internalized, we are rooted in our humanity and some moral order, and--in our dynamism--we practice subversive innovation (reducing coordination costs and increasing predation costs). I have one leg in my Burke pants, for sure.

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