It seems to me that Eros Masculine and Eros Feminine have very different approaches to knowledge. I see them played out between my wife and me. She is far more likely to say, "It is what it is," or "Some things just happen." I believe there is a reason for everything, and I want to know exactly what it is. It helps me to categorize knowledge—I am constantly using induction to create general rules based on specific bits of information I take in. I am trying to take control of the information. I think it might make her a little crazy at times—when she is talking about something specific and I immediately use induction to draw a (potential) general rule based on that specific thing.

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Interacting with our better halves (well) creates a whole better than the sum of the halves. And that's not just because they're our better halves! :)

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It may be a buzzword, but synergy is a real thing.

Interestingly, my wife also has some pretty strong traits of the Masculine. She's a great blend, and I am pleased to say that we complement each other well.

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